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lunatic fringe 極端分子,極端主義者。


The word apologists used to describe mr smith was paternalist , and his rhodesia was sometimes cast as nothing worse than a slightly more rough - and - tumble version of the british home counties : surrey with the lunatic fringe on top 辯護者們用于描繪史密斯先生的詞便是“家長做派” ,而且他的羅得西亞時常也被描述成為一個比英國本土城鎮更糟糕透頂的地方:就像英國薩里那樣,由一班狂亂分子掌控。

One of australia ' s pre - eminent stem cell researchers has challenged the federal health minister tony abbott saying only a scientist “ on the lunatic fringe “ would be tempted to fully clone a human being 一位澳大利亞卓越的干細胞研究者,曾對聯邦衛生部部長東尼.阿伯特提出質疑說,如果一個科學家處于“快要瘋了的邊緣” ,那么他才會備受完整地克隆一個人的誘惑。

The longer there is no solution , the greater the risk that the lunatic fringe , abetted by the likes of iran ' s president , may one day manage to drop a bomb on the jewish state 達成解決方案的時間拖得越久,受伊朗總統之流唆使的極端主義者可能某一天在猶太國家引發恐慌的危險就越大。